Mon Cheri Cafe i Charlotte Amalie West

Åben kort
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103, Subbase Road, 00802, Charlotte Amalie West, Charlotte Amalie, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-344-0560
Latitude: 18.3361509, Longitude: -64.9538165
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Kommentar 5

  • Danitta Ducreay

    Danitta Ducreay


  • Ricky Quamina

    Ricky Quamina


    A wonderful place to visit.. Lot's of good food and drinks.. Friendly employees....

  • Kathryn Crystal

    Kathryn Crystal


    Excellent customer service and yummy, quality food!

  • Victoria Desir

    Victoria Desir


    Great the owner is awesome these are the type of people we need in the industry great personality and when u get in there u must come back my son tyric love to go there and he loves the cappuccino and the banana fritters so friends when u have a chance just drop by u must get something u will like trust me

  • Carlos Ramirez

    Carlos Ramirez


    Decent prices. Great staff

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