Oceana i Charlotte Amalie

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Honduras, 00802, Charlotte Amalie, Water Island, VI U.S. Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-774-4262
Hjemmeside: www.oceanavi.com
Latitude: 18.334613, Longitude: -64.940764
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Kommentar 5

  • Kirryé Majors

    Kirryé Majors


    Beautiful views, wonderful staff and great food. Good place for cocktails at the bar, a romantic dinner or group events. Due to the two category 5 hurricanes that hit the US Virgin Islands in September 2017, Oceana is temporarily closed. It was badly damaged.

  • Alexander Blyth

    Alexander Blyth


    I don't really know how to rate this, but it seems that Oceana is currently either not open or just completely unresponsive. I wanted to bring my girlfriend here for our last night on island because it's an amazing location and I've had great meals there in the past, but I tried making a reservation via email 3 days ahead of time, and then tried calling the day before and the day of, and never got an email back nor got through on the phone. Their website also says nothing about their status... being right on the water I would imagine they suffered quite a lot of damage from the hurricanes last fall, and maybe they have yet to reopen.

  • Michelle Joshua

    Michelle Joshua


    Great! Excellent customer service and exquisite cuisine made with local herbs, spices fresh caught fish and fresh picked fruits.

  • Cristi Beaufils

    Cristi Beaufils


    This is our 3d visit to Oceana and even though the food was very tasty, service was less than satisfactory. Our server, Hillary, seemed to be completely out of touch. While serving us, she spilled sauce on my son's white linen shirt. There was no apology and instead, she brought a glass with seltzer water and a napkin for us to clean it. When the hostess approached our table and we informed her of the recent mishaps, her only question was "Is the food good?" She never came back to our table and instead, opted to go the bar area and drink wine. To top it all off, there was a mix-up in our check and we were overcharged. She could not get it straight. We overheard the table next to us having the same situation.

  • Kenneth Dreger

    Kenneth Dreger


    Has to be the best place on the Island for dining with a view! Wow! All 8 of us from TEXAS enjoyed a feast there last week. Little $$$ but the place was worth every $$ we spent. Seems like it use to be the old Russian Embassy at one time and being right ON THE WATER is is a great place to take your special person. Good service and nice selection.

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