Bluebeards Beach Club i St. Thomas

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7511, Frenchman's Bay, 00802, St. Thomas, Southside, US
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-776-4770
Latitude: 18.3180614, Longitude: -64.9128932
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Kommentar 5

  • Wayne S

    Wayne S


    Hurricane season took it's toll. Look forward to next year and a rebuilt place

  • George King

    George King


    Wi-Fi is not included they made us pay for it And is weak signal The resort is nice and have good restaurant With good view of the sea

  • Bill Wojtas

    Bill Wojtas


    Outstanding beach with a great bar and grill. We were there on a rainy day, but it was still a lot of fun!

  • Kristiania Lorentzen

    Kristiania Lorentzen


    I really enjoyed this place. The room was cute and clean with a great view of the ocean. The bed was super comfortable. The food and happy hour specials at the restaurants we're fantastic. The beach on the property is great too.

  • Brandi Bunch

    Brandi Bunch


    I can't comment on the resort itself, but I visited Lime Tree Beach for a wedding and it was absolutely stunning. Soft, clean sand and some of the prettiest water on the island. The bar was very reasonable and had great service as well. I would love to stay here and experience the rest.

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