Polly's At the Pier i Frederiksted

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3A, Strand Street, 00840, Frederiksted, Frederiksted, VI Wyspy Dziewicze
Kontakter telefon: +1 340-719-9434
Hjemmeside: www.pollysatthepierstcroix.com
Latitude: 17.7137797, Longitude: -64.8834905
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Kommentar 5

  • Sean Sanborn

    Sean Sanborn


    Delicious. The Paradise smoothie had ginger and I loved it. The coffee was delicious and they even offered honey.

  • Yana Senpai

    Yana Senpai


    So COOL! Gluten free/vegan/organic! They're pancake and eggs are amazing! And so is the coffe!

  • Cory H

    Cory H


    Great food, great location. The energy at this place makes you feel at home and makes you want to come back. Only issue is they are closed on Sundays.

  • Tariel Barragan

    Tariel Barragan


    Simple menu and great view. Offers vegan/gluten free options, but grateful I could add real bacon to my gourmet grilled cheese. Make sure to try the “local juice” options. I tried the spicy ginger juice, it delivered a refreshing bite of ginger. Sandwich took a while to deliver to table, but didn’t mind as it allowed me more time to enjoy the view.

  • Ross Laffan

    Ross Laffan


    I was in St. Croix in July, before the hurricanes. My visit there remains a really wonderful memory. I really loved St. Croix. Polly's At The Pier was the first place we stopped after flying in. The food was exceptional and the owners and staff couldn't have been more accommodating. I'm hoping they have all survived and have re-opened or will re-open and encourage all to go to St. Croix and make Polly's a stop during your visit.

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